Jesse James Life Story


After his death, Jesse James became a legendary figure in the Wild West. His story inspired many artworks and films. Zerelda Amanda Mimms was portrayed by famous actresses in each of those films. In the 1921 silent film ‘Jesse James as the Outlaw,’ Mimms was portrayed by actress Marguerite Hungerford.

  1. Jesse James Life Story Documentary
  2. Jesse James Life Story Quotes
  3. Jesse James Life Story Movie
  4. Jesse James Life Story Cast

A National Treasure of Rare Historic Images

Jesse James Life Story
It comes now to light as of 9/12/20, that certain parties have engaged in activities that are far outside the bounds of legal, ethical and moral conduct. These parties will be named below and a transcript of the investigation will be detailed in full on the link below.
  • Jesse James and Frank James, in full, respectively, Jesse Woodson James and Alexander Franklin James, (respectively, born September 5, 1847, near Centerville now Kearney, Missouri, U.S.—died April 3, 1882, St. Joseph, Missouri; born January 10, 1843, near Centerville—died February 18, 1915, near Kearney), two brothers who were among the most notorious outlaws of the American West.
  • Months later, Jesse Edwards James Jr. Died on March 26, 1951 at the age of seventy-five. In the same image also is pictured Jesse Jr.’s caregiver at Norwalk. He is Luther Garlin Henderson. The contribution of this historic photographic was made by Henderson’s son, Bruce Henderson, a retired attorney.

On July 3, 2019, Dennis Scarpello… link:

(The document is Privately published on this site. It will be publicly released asap…)
The RJ Pastore Collection reveals an amazing story about Jesse James and his look alike cousins who all went by the same names. They documented their lives in photographs, leaving solid evidence that Jesse faked his death and outsmarted the law.

But they did more than pull off a clever ruse to fake Jesse’s death. They were all part of a grander plan as agents of the Masonic-like order, the Knights of the Golden Circle. After the Civil War, the KGC conspired to seize power by infiltrating the USA government.

Pastore’s forensics investigation and historical research were featured in two History Channel specials, investing nearly a million dollars to bring attention to his discoveries.

It takes a lot to change history regarding the conspiracy that was perpetrated by the outlaw band. One has to ask, what good is served if the facts are false. Especially when the truth is so much more compelling and rich in character.

J. Frank Dalton told his version of history in the matter of the death of Jesse James. He stated that the James gang assembled 52 men to pull off the perfect ruse by creating and executing their own cover story. They brought in their own lawman from 3 counties away, who then deputized two James gang members.

They took control of the crime scene, took custody of the corpse and all of the evidence, brought in their chosen assistant coroner, and a single chosen reporter, all within about an hour of the killing. The autopsy evidence and the coroner’s inquest clearly contradicted the perpetrators story, yet the murder went down in history as the conspirators claimed.

Within a few days, the body was safely buried on the James farm before anyone could question anything further. A quick and splendid cover-up of a state sponsored murder, of quite another color. If it was a ruse, then who was really killed?

One fine fiction was fabricated by the James Gang that day in 1882 and the cover story has stayed in place ever since.

But now you can see the truth for yourself.

Three Theories –

There are three main schools of thought regarding the legendary life and death of Jesse Woodson James.

Traditional history states that Jesse W. James was killed in 1882. An unfitting and unlikely end of a legend.

The 2nd theory says Jesse assumed the identity of a cousin, Jeremiah “Jesse” Mason James who was actually murdered in his place. Even though the victim had an obvious birth defect to the top rim of his ear among other differences that sets him apart from Jesse W. James, they managed to pass the body off as Jesse.

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The 3rd theory claims the Outlaw legend belongs to J. Frank Dalton who lived to age 104. Dalton stated he had 72 aliases, but his real name was Jesse Robert James, 1st cousin to Jesse Woodson James. He maintained his claim to his death in 1951.

Jesse Robert James alias J. Frank Dalton
CSA Rebel, Lawman, Outlaw

Genealogy records show Robert Sallee James’ brother, George James had a son named Robert Woodson James. He went by the name Jesse Robert James, as one of many aliases he used in his lifetime. Read more…

What comes to light within the RJ Pastore Collection is that it takes all three men to compose a legend the size of Jesse James. Together, they formed a criminal syndicate that acquired millions of dollars in stolen loot. Some was hidden away, some was spent on living large and most was invested in ventured that advanced the cause of the KGC.

The three men posing together intimately below are the same three men seen above, individually. This proves what RJ Pastore discovered in his forensic investigation of the 1882 killing of Jesse James in St. Joseph, Missouri. The murder victim was the cousin seated to the left, Jesse Mason James, alias Tom Howard.

The stunning photo below features all three Jesse James’ with their brothers all named Frank, standing behind them, all together in one group portrait.

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Jesse James Life Story Documentary

James Cousins

The sample head shots of the known persons are inserted next to the named subject in the photo for easy comparison. The original photo itself is unedited. The men are seated together, verifying their individual identity and their affiliation to one another.

The possibility of six other random men, matching these six subjects and also being connected to a famous figure like Jesse James is impossible. How could these six unique characters all be perfectly duplicated a second time over, to be anyone else?

Consider the hypothesis: The three Jesse’s so closely resemble each other that they conspired to combine their lives in to a single persona, Jesse James.

Jesse Woodson James is either the man matching the dead man photo on the left (JMJ), or the living photo match to the man on the right (JWJ), he can’t be both. Therefore, the real Jesse (JWJ) must be the living photo matched to the man seated on the right. This proves once and for all, Jesse W. James was not killed in 1882. It was his cousin, the man on the left (JMJ) who got the starring role of the dead man.

It is beyond the realm of possibility for anything other than to accept the amazing revelation, that there were three sets of Frank & Jesse James.

Historian RJ Pastore has compiled an amazing collection of Jesse James related photos. What’s more astounding is that Pastore located many other James family, fellow gang members and other outlaw photos as well. Below is a rare image of the James-Younger Gang all together in one sitting. Click on the Younger Brother’s menu below to view more incredible images of these famous outlaws.

Jesse James Life Story Quotes

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The photos were acquired by painstakingly searching antique shops and small town curios all across the country. They were purchased in complete albums, groupings and from the estate sales of family members and collectors. Many of the photographs authenticate themselves because the subjects are seen together with other family and Gang members.

Pastore’s investigative analysis has elevated and expanded the genre of Jesse James. His research has brought new life to what was a sad, grim tale with a duplicitous end. What emerges in these photographs is a spectacular story of intrigue, adventure and an underlying love story that lasts into their old age.

Until now, only a few images of Jesse James were known to exist and owning one was unheard of. Serious collectors wishing to acquire an original, one of a kind photo can make contact below.

Call: 316.461.1118 or email:

Original photos on this website are the exclusive copyright of Ronald J. Pastore ©1998-2018. All Rights Reserved,

Short YouTube video:

“Zee” Mimms was born on July 21, 1845, in Logan, Kentucky, to Pastor John W. Mimms and Mary James Mimms. Zerelda was one of twelve children. Her mother was the sister of Robert James, Jesse James‘ father, making them first cousins. Zee, as she was more familiarly called, was actually named for Jesse’s mother. This; however, did not stop the pair from falling in love while Jesse was living temporarily with his aunt his aunt and uncle Missouri in 1865.

The couple was engaged for nine years while the James-Younger Gang was in full swing. Finally, they married at her sister’s home in Kearney, Missouri on April 24, 1874. While honeymooning with his bride Zee on the Gulf of Mexico at Galveston, Texas, a reporter from the St. Louis Dispatch, did what the Pinkertons had failed to do, track down Jesse.

A little more than a year later, Zee bore their first child, Jesse Edward “Tim” James on August 31, 1875. On February 28, 1878, the couple had twins, Gould and Montgomery; however, both were either stillborn or died the same day. The next year, Zee had a daughter that the couple named Mary Susan James on June 17, 1879.

By this time, the James-Younger Gang had ceased to exist with the capture of the Younger brothers during the Northfield, Minnesota raid in 1876. However, Jesse had started a “new” James Gang that continued to rob trains, the last of which occurred on September 7, 1881, near Glendale, Missouri. Shortly after this hold-up, Jesse moved his family to St. Joseph, Missouri where they settled in under Jesse’s assumed name of Tom Howard. With a $10,000 reward over his head, Zee tried to get Jesse to take on a more normal life. And Jesse agreed, right after one last great bank robbery in Platte County, Missouri. It was during the planning of this robbery in a meeting with Charles and Robert “Bob” Ford at Jesse’s home, that Jesse would be killed by Bob on April 3, 1882.

Jesse James

Sadly, Zee and her children were in the kitchen when the shooting occurred. At the deafening sound of the gun blast, young Jesse, Jr. ran into the living room to find his father on the floor with blood pouring from his head. Zee then began to scream as little Mary started crying. Though Zee tried desperately to stop the blood, it was too late, her husband was already dead.

Bob Ford was already out the door and Charles spent a few moments trying to tell her how the gun had gone off accidentally. Then, he too, made a quick exit, running after his brother.

Jesse James Life Story Movie

In no time, the word spread of the shooting and crowds began to gather around the home talking incessantly about the killing of the notorious outlaw, Jesse James. Young Jesse, Jr., who was only six at the time, didn’t even know who “Jesse James” was, believing his father’s name was “John Davis Howard” and his own name to be “Tim Howard.”

After his death, Jesse was packed on ice and taken by train to Kearney, Missouri where he was displayed and viewed by hundreds of friends, admirers, and curiosity seekers. Later he was buried on the family farm in a plot near the house so that Jesse’s mother, Zerelda, could keep an eye out for trespassers or souvenir hunters.

When Jesse was killed, most people assumed that he had left a wealthy widow, but that was not the case at all. In fact, the only valuables that they owned were a few weapons, a bit of stolen jewelry, and assorted memorabilia. Soon, most everything in the household was put up for auction in order to pay the creditors. Zee and her children were then forced to move in with her brother in Kansas City.

The children were to suffer even more, as Zee suffered from terrible depression after Jesse’s death.

Donning entirely black clothing, she never changed out of it, never remarried, and became a recluse. Young Jesse James, Jr. was forced to go to work at the age of eleven to help support his mother and little sister. Though the family suffered emotionally and financially for the rest of Zee’s life, she refused all offers to publish books or other information regarding Jesse’s life.

She died on November 13, 1900, in Kansas City, Missouri and was buried in the Mount Olivet Cemetery in Kearney, Missouri. About 18 months later, her husband would be moved from his resting place on the James Family Farm and placed next to her, where their bodies remain today.

© Kathy Weiser/Legends of America, updated September, 2017.

“I am not in good circumstances and a little money would greatly assist me.”

Jesse James Life Story Cast

– Zee James after the death of her husband, Jesse, was forced to sale some precious family momentoes.

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